A majority of political historians give a favourable verdict, while a majority of economists are more doubtful. 大多数政治历史学家对其给予了正面的评价,而多数经济学家则表示出了更大的疑虑。
The judge has not intimated ( to the jury) whether they will be allowed to reach a majority verdict. 法官没有指示(陪审团)他们可否达成大多数裁定。
As regard or regarding the second of the accused, the jury be unable to reach a majority verdict. these were questions which divided the crowd, and seemed to divide the jury; 关于被告的助手,陪审团不能作出一个多数人赞同的裁决。对这些问题听众各执一辞,陪审团的意见仿佛也不一致。
The verdict is not likely to be announced for days or even weeks, but the vast majority of cases that reach trial in China result in a guilty verdict. 判决结果可能要过几天、甚至几周才会宣布,但在中国,开庭的绝大多数案件都会做出有罪判决。